March 9, 2017

Grow Your Own - sprouting 101

Grown your own sprouts indoors anytime of year.  These crunchy, tasty veggies are simply seeds that are soaked in water until they germinate. Sprouts aren’t just rich in vitamins and antioxidants,  they add flavor, color, texture and variety to any dishes you chose to sprinkle them on.  Try sprouts in salads, sandwiches on top of soups, eggs or in your next stir fry. There are many types of seeds that can be sprouted. Mung beans, broccoli, alfalfa, garbanzo beans, radishes or a mixture are all possibilities. Get your kids involved and let them chose which varieties to grow.   Kids love to see how quickly sprouts will sprout. With this hands on gardening activity, they may just chose to gobble them up too! With minimal time, effort and expense, home grown sprouts are about the easiest food crop you will ever grow.


Here’s how:

     First, choose seeds that have been labeled for sprouting. These have been lab-tested to ensure they are pathogen-free (We sell Botanical Interests™ seeds for sprouting).    Grow sprouts in a commercially-made sprouting tray ( We sell Botanical Interests™ Seed Sprouter) or in a clean quart-sized mason jar with a straining lid. Soak the seeds for 8-12 hours in water. Drain water and rinse seeds and  continue to rinse and drain seeds twice a day.  Depending on variety, the sprouts will be ready to eat in 3-7 days.   Finally, store drained sprouts in the fridge and plan to eat them within a few days.

Monday - Saturday
Summer 8AM-6PM
Winter 9AM- 6PM
2389 S. Highway 33 Driggs, ID
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