September 15, 2016

The Best Shrubs for Bird Habitat

Birds are a welcome garden guest throughout the year. Bird feeders, bird baths and bird houses play an important part in backyard birding, but planting shrubs for their forage and cover will attract even more wild birds to your yard.

  • Black Chokeberry: Clusters of dark berries form above glossy green foliage. Foliage is brilliant orange in autumn.
  • Serviceberry: These purple berries are native to much of the mountain west. The fruit attracts many species of birds including cedar waxwing, gross beaks and grouse.
  • Willow: This hardy shrub provides excellent cover for many birds.
  • Chokecherry: Another native, with profuse clusters of dark red berries.
  • Viburnum: This easy to grow shrub has beautiful red clusters of berries, persisting into winter.
  • Dogwood: Birds are attracted to the white berries which form late-summer.
  • Rose: Rose hips contain a profusion of seeds to nourish birds through the winter.
Monday - Saturday
Summer 8AM-6PM
Winter 9AM- 6PM
2389 S. Highway 33 Driggs, ID
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