Paper whites are a flower bulb native to the Mediterranean. They are grown as indoor forcing bulbs in colder climates like ours. They are highly fragrant and are easily grown indoors. These flowers enjoy a bright, cool spot in the house. Avoid growing paper whites in excessively warm areas with poor light. This will lead to tall stems which easily flop over. Once planted, paper whites take four to six weeks to bloom. Paper whites add a touch of natural green to holiday decorating and also make a great gift. Paper whites are very versatile and can be planted in gravel, sand, marbles, potting soil or suspended in water. Try one or more of these paper white ideas:
The Classic:
Fill any container two thirds full with potting soil or gravel. Place paper whites, pointy side up as many as can fit in the container. Cover with more potting soil so only the tips are showing. Cover the soil with decorative moss. Place in a bright spot and keep moist. Blooms appear in about 4-6 weeks. Add a bow or an ornament for gift-giving.
The Chic:
Select a large glass vase with a wide base. Fill about three inches deep with decorative stone, marbles or beads. Nestle in the bulbs, pointy side up so just the tips are showing. Carefully fill with water to the level of the bulb base. Check every few days to ensure the water continues to cover the base of the bulbs. The vase sides help support the growing paper whites.
The Minimalist
Find a jar or vase that will hold a paper white bulb without falling through. Alternatively, use tooth picks to suspend a paper white bulb over a jar or vase. Fill with water so it touches the base of the bulb. Keep the water at this level. Watch the roots develop and the flowers open. This is a quick and easy project to do with kids.
Growing paper whites is easy. Try one of these projects or get creative with your own. The possibilities are endless. |